B Attitudes

Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth.
Foolish are the sheep for they shall inherit the Earth anyway.
Inherit hereditary misgivings lost in oily quagmires’ second chances.
Lost in televised expeditions to exotic locales like New Orleans and Galveston.
Lost on soul searching mountain peaks, spending time alone or whoring around with the one that got away.
Blessed are the blatent pan handlers and the dirty drunks for they shall spread their pungent truth in brown paper sacks.
Paper sacks floating on C02 tradewinds blowing, ever blowing across America.
America the beautiful. Obese, greedy, sadistic, manipulative, beautiful.
Sadistic like butterflies’ last kisses left naked cutting poppies for capitalism.
Blessed are the lobbyists, the pundits, the politicians and the agenda makers for they shall inherit the hill.
The hill built from the skeletons of Father Freedom and Mother Truth.
Truth without consequence or thought of rationale.
Blind, willing and blatent because it just IS and free because it always has been, never was, might just be if we cast the right vote.

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